5 applis santé qui vous aident à progresser

5 health apps that help you progress

Why use health apps?

Apps are great for tracking your progress and seeing results. You can have an overall view of your performance thanks to figures and visual data (often accompanied by graphs). So you can analyze your weak points and your strong points.

There are also apps for working out at home! Adapted to the level of each and often without equipment, you can create a personalized program. Reach your goals at your own pace!

Fizz Up

An app that adapts according to your objective and according to your morphology. All you have to do is complete the form defining your profile, and your personalized program will be ready!

You can choose the equipment you have at home, as well as the parts of your body you want to work. Thanks to all this information, the app will define a program according to your preferences. Your sessions will be adapted to your objectives with a more or less strong intensity. You can also choose the number of sessions per week and thus adjust your schedule.

From €9.99/month and available on the Play Store and App Store.

30 Day Fitness Challenge

If you want to challenge yourself, this is the app for you! With this 30-day challenge, you get moving every day with playful videos. Here again the program is customizable according to your level, there are sessions for beginners as well as for more advanced levels.

The little extra? You can go at your own pace, the intensity of the exercises is progressive!

From €9.99/month and available on the Play Store and App Store.


Here too, the app concocts a personalized program for you, however it is more complete than the previous one. Indeed, it also offers a follow-up of your progress as well as a space for sharing with the entire community of the app.

The sessions are adapted to your objectives, your equipment and your level. You also have exercises to perform depending on your environment, whether you are at home or outdoors for example.

From €2.31/week and available on the Play Store and the App Store.


Because your sessions can sometimes be intense, it is important to take care of your body after exercise. Weasyo is an app dedicated to relieving back pain, joints or even overworked muscles.

Created by physiotherapists, you choose the area you want to work on. Then, videos explain in detail each step of the exercises to be performed. There are more than 300 exercises, whether for global parts of the body or more specific areas.

Activity Tracker

Finally to finish, Activity Tracker is an app specially dedicated to progress monitoring. All you need are smartphones and your physical activity is tracked throughout the day! The number of your steps, the number of floors climbed, or the number of calories burned. This gives you a clear view of your business!

Premium subscription from €6.99/month and available on the Play Store and the App Store.

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