Drainage du corps, rétention d’eau : comment enlever la cellulite et perdre du poids durablement ?

Body drainage, water retention: how to remove cellulite and lose weight permanently?

Rapid weight loss: myth or reality?

Summer body VS good life balance all year round

Summer is fast approaching, and we see many "detox recipes" flourishing everywhere on the net, social networks, sports challenges to get back in shape for sunny days.

All these initiatives come of course from a good intention: the will to start or persevere physical efforts, nevertheless, at Ironshark Nutrition, we believe that getting back in shape is a long-term commitment, and that goes by a healthy lifestyle throughout the year:

Why is a rapid weight loss diet not a good idea?

Starting new "trendy diets" is not without consequences: as much on the objective as on health.

This vicious circle of diets negatively affects the basic metabolism (the energy spent by the body to ensure essential functions such as breathing, blood circulation, etc.) by reducing it.

These functions constitute about 60% of the daily caloric expenditure. The higher our basal metabolic rate, the higher our daily energy expenditure.

These functions constitute about 60% of the daily caloric expenditure. The higher our basal metabolic rate, the higher our daily energy expenditure.

Most "trend diets" are drastic and lower our basic metabolism. The results ?

  • Our body panics and goes into energy saving mode. We therefore spend less energy at rest and the risk of regaining weight is therefore much higher.
  • Note also that from the age of 20, our basic metabolism would decrease by 2 to 3% per year. This is why the older you get, the harder it is to lose weight.

Maintain muscle mass to lose weight healthily!

How to lose weight permanently (without the "yo-yo" effect) while remaining healthy then?

  • Do regular physical activity:

Note that bodybuilding activities not only burn many more calories (through significant energy expenditure), but also develop muscle mass, which is fundamental for the proper functioning of our body (good back support, tone, etc.). ) : the result ? An increased basal metabolism and therefore optimized weight loss.

Usually, men have a higher basal metabolic rate than women because they have more muscle mass. This therefore underlines the importance of including strength training exercises in our physical activity routine.

“I train several times a week, watch what I eat, but I still have cellulite! »

Cellulite almost exclusively affects women. It is estimated that 9 out of 10 women are prone to it, to varying degrees of severity, while only 1 in 50 men suffer from it!

How to remove cellulite? We answer this question in the next section.

How to remove cellulite?

The causes of cellulite

Cellulite, which is sometimes called “orange peel skin” or “cellulite”, is an internal change in the fatty tissues under the skin. It is above all unsightly, but can sometimes lead to some more serious problems.

The lower layer of the skin (hypodermis) contains cells where fats are stored: if they are overloaded, these cells expand and are at the origin of this "orange peel" appearance.

There are external factors that can explain cellulite:

  • Physical inactivity
  • Food: cellulite is accentuated by a diet that is too salty, too sweet and too fatty, devoid of fibre.
  • Blood circulation disorders
  • A tendency to retain water
  • The stress

Contrary to some popular belief, cellulite is only rarely caused by being overweight, even if it can make it more apparent. Many very thin women have cellulite.

What to do to get rid of cellulite?

As part of regular physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, quality supplementation is essential to help you solve these stubborn problems:

An effective fat burner

The purpose of the fat burner is to:

  • To promote the burning of fats, that is to say to facilitate their elimination. It therefore often contains green tea or caffeine.
  • The idea here is to stimulate the body in order to destock fat and help it eliminate fatty deposits, especially in the belly, as well as swelling.

Our fat burner RIPPED SHARK BURNER increases body temperature. Rich in guarana, green tea and carnitine, its unique composition makes it a real ally in your weight loss goal.


 It sometimes happens that the body no longer succeeds in eliminating the excess water in the body correctly: this is called water retention. This can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, or a lack of elimination of certain substances, resulting in poor lymphatic circulation.

  • The water circulates badly in the body, is stored, and then stagnates between the cells, which causes cellulite on the skin.
  • It is here that the drainer intervenes, in order to fight against this retention, and to reduce its effects.

An effective drainer thanks to a high concentration of natural active ingredients

Drain your body naturally with our drainer:

The Ironshark drainer targets the excess water in your tissues and fat cells to evacuate it and make you lose precious centimeters.

It cleanses the body to facilitate your weight loss, accompanies you during your slimming cures to better eliminate cellulite and make your sports sessions more effective by evacuating harmful toxins (thanks to the action of milk thistle, extracts of garnicia cambodia)

Our drainer contains extracts of orthosiphon, a plant that promotes the mobilization of fats and their elimination, by improving the secretion of bile and its evacuation. The orthosiphon leaf also has an anti-inflammatory action on the urinary tract.

In addition to the aesthetic aspect, drainage allows, as indicated above, to eliminate toxins from the body.

  • Ironshark Nutrition offers you a drainer containing bearberry extracts, a natural urinary antiseptic : this plant is used for the treatment or prevention of urinary tract infections, acute or chronic, such as cystitis.


Over time our body and particularly our kidneys and our liver, accumulate toxins due to our diet and our lifestyle.

Liver :

contributes to the good digestion of food, filters the blood and eliminates red blood cells.


filter the blood and eliminate toxins and waste from the body via the urinary tract. They also help maintain the water balance and the minerals needed by the body.

Therefore, if you do not purify your body, it can weaken your organs and it can be harmful to your health.

In order to drain your body and eliminate toxins, it is necessary to have a varied and balanced diet, favoring a daily consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables (sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants), fibers and fats. quality (omega 3).

For better health, a slimmer silhouette and a better feeling of comfort and well-being: combine our fat burner and our drainer to optimize your sporting efforts!

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