Gâteau au chocolat diététique avec l’ISO SHARK CHOCOLAT

Diet chocolate cake with ISO SHARK CHOCOLAT

Here is a recipe that will please the most gourmet of you: a delicious cake, rich in protein with ISO SHARK CHOCOLATE and melting thanks to the zucchini! And yes, you read it right! No more need for butter or other dairy product in order to obtain a gourmet and thick texture as desired. The zucchini, very low in calories will allow you to obtain this desired effect.

Ingredients (to be adapted according to your macros):

- 50 g of oat flour


- 2 whites + 1 egg

- 1 teaspoon of cocoa without sugar

- 1 tsp baking powder

- Sweetener, sweetener of your choice

- 1 apple or 200g of compotes - 50 g of zucchini


Blend the zucchini until you get a puree.

Mix the apple also, and add all the other ingredients. 

Preheat your oven to 200 degrees. 

Mix all your ingredients and place everything in a mold, direction the oven for 20min!

Watch your cooking (by sticking a knife in it, if it comes out with dough on it, it means it is still undercooked)

And now...enjoy!

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