Bien se préparer à l'arrivée du printemps !

Get ready for the arrival of spring!

The impact of the change of season on the body

A change of season, whether summer or winter, inevitably impacts our body. Several factors come into play such as the lack of light , temperature changes or even the reduction of immune defenses . So our body must adapt to these changes and draw on its resources.

Several symptoms can occur in the face of a change of season, the most common are fatigue, a more fragile immune system or seasonal depression.

The disruption of the internal clock called circadian rhythm , strongly impacts our body. It leads the body to become more vulnerable to external attacks (infections and viruses). This phenomenon is due to the discrepancy between our circadian rhythm and the signals sent from the outside (luminosity), the body receives contradictory messages, which weakens it .

How to prepare and better anticipate?

Have a regular sleep pattern

Sleep is essential during seasonal changes, it allows the body to rest and strengthen. Brightness and time changes affect the internal clock. It is necessary to go to bed at reasonable and regular times to minimize adverse effects such as fatigue or weakening of the immune system.

It is recommended to sleep between 7am and 9am per night, for quality restorative sleep.

Boost your immune defenses

Fill it up with energy ! Whether with a balanced and varied diet , or through food supplements, strengthening your immune system is the key to a healthy body!

The arrival of spring allows a very varied selection of fruits and vegetables , so take advantage of it! Choose seasonal, local or organic products for preserved and quality nutrients. Test new recipes, the more colors on your plate, the more complete it will be . A diet rich in vegetables is essential in strengthening the immune system.

You can also turn to food supplements to supplement your diet. During this period when the body needs energy, supplements provide significant support over the long term. Indeed, for them to be effective, it is recommended to carry out cures between one and three months, or even more depending on the needs.

Iron Shark Nutrition offers Vitamin C and Magnesium , which help reduce fatigue. Our Multivit complex is a concentrate of vitamins and minerals, ideal for being in great shape! Omega 3 and vitamin D strengthen the immune system to deal with external aggressions.

Practice a physical activity

Moving , playing sports, getting some fresh air is essential to stay dynamic during this transition period. Exercising physically will also allow you to sleep better , thanks to a so-called “healthy” fatigue. Physical activity also helps strengthen the immune system.

In addition, the vitamin D essential for the body is synthesized thanks to the rays of the sun , another good reason to go for a walk!

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