Pour une mine éclatante !

For a radiant complexion!

What are we talking about ?

The integumentary system covers both skin, nails, and hair. It corresponds to the barrier between the internal and external environment of the organism, therefore between the body and the environment.

What are the roles of this set?

Forearm skin

Being a junction between the body and the environment, the integumentary system has 4 roles:

  • Communication role: through sensory receptors.
  • Protective role: both physical and chemical in the face of various traumas and attacks by foreign bodies.
  • Role of exchange: between the body and the environment by regulating heat (thermoregulation).
  • Hormonal role: with the synthesis of vitamin D.

Freshness thanks to Zinc!



Zinc is an essential mineral that occurs naturally in certain foods. It is also present in our body in all tissues and bodily fluids and especially the brain. Unfortunately it is not stored.

Roles of zinc in the integumentary system

Zinc is involved in the activity of more than 300 enzymes acting specifically for the protection of our cells. It is the essential ally for your skin! It promotes healing, and greatly contributes to the resolution of many skin problems, such as dry skin in winter, acne, herpes, psoriasis, etc.

Zinc sources

The best food sources of zinc are mainly of animal origin:

  • Shellfish, especially oysters
  • Red meat, especially liver
  • Wheat germs
  • Whole grains
  • The egg yolk

There are a few plant sources:

  • split peas
  • lentils
  • Dried beans.

Zinc deficiencies

With our current lifestyle, zinc deficiencies are unfortunately very common. Tobacco, alcohol, coffee, tea, and stress greatly deplete our zinc stores.

When these decrease, signs appear:

  • Digestive disorders
  • Skin dryness, especially in winter
  • Acne
  • Difficulty healing
  • Nails that break, split, or stain
  • Hair loss

Tips for having a glowing complexion

Combining zinc with selenium is a combination with very interesting effects. Zinc , as we have seen, allows your skin, as well as your nails and hair, to be radiant. Selenium for its part, due to its ability to act against oxidative stress , helps fight against skin aging. Therefore this association will offer an effective synergy to have a radiant mine!


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